I'm working on a new website that will do analysis on stocks and was thinking about developing it using Groovy. I'm still in the early stages and wanted to find a way to grab stock quotes from the web. I found some nice python code written by Corey Goldberg and basically converted it to Groovy. His code basically allows you to grab stock quotes from Yahoo Finance, given that you know it's ticker symbol. It took me an hour or so to convert. Seeing how useful it is, I decided this code would be pretty nice for other people to use ( if they're using Groovy ).
RequirementsJava 1.5
Apache HttpClient jars ( you'll need commons-codec-1.3.jar, commons.httpclient-3.1.jar and commons-logging-1.1.1.jar)
I'm pretty new to Groovy so please feel free to give comments, criticisms, whatever.
package groovy
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod
* @author actionjax
* Credit goes to Corey Goldberg for creating ystockquote.
* This code below is basically a port of the same code to Groovy.
* Copyright (c) 2007-2008, Corey Goldberg (corey@goldb.org)
* license: GNU LGPL
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This is the "YahooStockQuoteInterface" module.
* This module provides a Groovy API for retrieving stock data from Yahoo Finance.
* sample usage:
* >>> import ystockquote
* >>> print ystockquote.get_price('GOOG')
* 529.46
public class YahooStockQuoteInterface {
private static __request(symbol, stat) {
String url = "http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=$symbol&f=$stat"
HttpClient client = new HttpClient()
GetMethod get = new GetMethod(url)
return get.getResponseBodyAsString().toString().replaceAll("\"","")
static get_all(symbol) {
Get all available quote data for the given ticker symbol.
Returns a dictionary.
def values = __request(symbol, 'l1c1va2xj1b4j4dyekjm3m4rr5p5p6s7').split(',')
def data = [:]
data['price'] = values[0]
data['change'] = values[1]
data['volume'] = values[2]
data['avg_daily_volume'] = values[3]
data['stock_exchange'] = values[4]
data['market_cap'] = values[5]
data['book_value'] = values[6]
data['ebitda'] = values[7]
data['dividend_per_share'] = values[8]
data['dividend_yield'] = values[9]
data['earnings_per_share'] = values[10]
data['52_week_high'] = values[11]
data['52_week_low'] = values[12]
data['50day_moving_avg'] = values[13]
data['200day_moving_avg'] = values[14]
data['price_earnings_ratio'] = values[15]
data['price_earnings_growth_ratio'] = values[16]
data['price_sales_ratio'] = values[17]
data['price_book_ratio'] = values[18]
data['short_ratio'] = values[19]
return data
static get_price(symbol) {
return __request(symbol, 'l1')
static get_change(symbol) {
return __request(symbol, 'c1')
static get_volume(symbol) {
return __request(symbol, 'v')
static get_avg_daily_volume(symbol) {
return __request(symbol, 'a2')
static get_stock_exchange(symbol) {
return __request(symbol, 'x')
static get_market_cap(symbol) {
return __request(symbol, 'j1')
static get_book_value(symbol) {
return __request(symbol, 'b4')
static get_ebitda(symbol) {
return __request(symbol, 'j4')
static get_dividend_per_share(symbol) {
return __request(symbol, 'd')
static get_dividend_yield(symbol) {
return __request(symbol, 'y')
static get_earnings_per_share(symbol) {
return __request(symbol, 'e')
static get_52_week_high(symbol) {
return __request(symbol, 'k')
static get_52_week_low(symbol) {
return __request(symbol, 'j')
static get_50day_moving_avg(symbol) {
return __request(symbol, 'm3')
static get_200day_moving_avg(symbol) {
return __request(symbol, 'm4')
static get_price_earnings_ratio(symbol) {
return __request(symbol, 'r')
static get_price_earnings_growth_ratio(symbol) {
return __request(symbol, 'r5')
static get_price_sales_ratio(symbol) {
return __request(symbol, 'p5')
static get_price_book_ratio(symbol) {
return __request(symbol, 'p6')
static get_short_ratio(symbol) {
return __request(symbol, 's7')
static get_historical_prices(symbol, start_date, end_date) {
Get historical prices for the given ticker symbol.
Date format is 'YYYYMMDD'
Returns a nested list.
int end_day = Integer.valueOf(end_date[4..5] - 1)
def end_month = end_date[6..7]
def end_year = end_date[0..3]
int start_day = Integer.valueOf(start_date[4..5] - 1)
def start_month = start_date[6..7]
def start_year = start_date[0..3]
String url = "http://ichart.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=$symbol&" +
"d=$end_day&" +
"e=$end_month&" +
"f=$end_year&" +
"g=d&" +
"a=$start_day&" +
"b=$start_month&" +
HttpClient client = new HttpClient()
GetMethod get = new GetMethod(url)
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(get.getResponseBodyAsStream()))
ArrayList<String> data = new ArrayList<String>()
reader.eachLine( { day-> data.add(day.split(","))} )
return data
// /**
// * @param args
// */
// public static void main(def args) {
// for(datum in YahooStockQuoteInterface.get_historical_prices("GOOG","20070101","20080101"))
// println datum }